Making Rice Easy for 2022

Easy Rice

I watched my boyfriend soon to be husband struggle to make rice. He would meticulously measure out the grains of rice and the cups of water and still, his rice was not well made. Babe, babe what are you doing I would plead and he would not listen. Then I was finally able to get through to him… on a Skype video call of all things.

Do it this way, babe…

I explained to him that it does not matter how much rice you put into the pot, you simply rinse the rice off to make sure it’s clean. Then add enough water to bring it up to me one fingernail (index finger) level higher than the top of the rice. Done… that it’s it, you will have perfect rice every time!

If you want your rice a little moister then at a little more water, and if you want it a little drier little less water, but the fingernail height is the key!

Making Rice Easy – The Finger Nail Method

Here is a video I made to help show you have to make rice just using your fingernail. Take a few minutes to watch and see how easy it is to make rice. Be sure to hit the like button and subscribe to my YouTube channel, leave a comment as well, I will do my best to answer everyone. I will have more videos each week check out our Review page to see all the recommendations we have for you!

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