My Favorite 5 Delightful Coffee To Make!
So many coffee options, which one is right for me… Every time I walk into a café or coffee shop like Starbucks the drink menu can be so complicated, especially if you excel at saying Medium double double. It’s time to learn what different coffee selections are out there. We are going to start off…
Top 5 Impressive Benefits of Carrot Juice
The Benefits of carrot juice… benefits like no other! Carrot juice is the number 1 go juice for Ken while he is on his juice detox. We will do 2 or 3 days out of the week with carrot juice on the menu. The favor and the variation of different fruits and vegetables make it…
Making Rice Easy for 2022
Easy Rice I watched my boyfriend soon to be husband struggle to make rice. He would meticulously measure out the grains of rice and the cups of water and still, his rice was not well made. Babe, babe what are you doing I would plead and he would not listen. Then I was finally able…
Awesome Vegan Jerky – Made in Canada to Boot
Noble Vegan Jerky About a year ago I was out in London Drugs in Kamloops and I found this new product, will new to me at least. Vegan Jerky, my husband has been pretty serious about trying to follow the Plant Based life style for the past 5 years but his one weakness is pepperoni…
The Best – Datu Puti Vinegar and Soy Sauce
Datu Puti is easily the best!! Datu Puti is the most well-known Soy Sauce and Vinegar from the Philippines. We always have a bottle or two on hand, for those days when I get a craving for the homeland! I use this in all of my Filipino cooking. The Vinegar and Soy Sauce is the…