Check out LifeStyles and Living Section of Qrious Wanderer
We will be adding various LifeStyle and Living posts in this section of Qrious Wanderer. I will be talking about the road for me coming to Canada, and I will also discuss various challenges I have faced here in the country. I am looking forward to hearing the stories from my readers as well, I am hoping to build a family, a place where people feel safe to post comments about their experiences as well.
My Favorite 5 Delightful Coffee To Make!
So many coffee options, which one is right for me… Every time I walk into a café or coffee shop like Starbucks the drink menu can be so complicated, especially if you excel at saying Medium double double. It’s time to learn what different coffee selections are out there. We are going to start off…
Top 5 Impressive Benefits of Carrot Juice
The Benefits of carrot juice… benefits like no other! Carrot juice is the number 1 go juice for Ken while he is on his juice detox. We will do 2 or 3 days out of the week with carrot juice on the menu. The favor and the variation of different fruits and vegetables make it…
Qrious Wanderer’s – Our New YouTube Channel
Our Youtube Channel We decided that we would start up a YouTube Channel. We plan on posting Videos that will cover cool tricks in the Kitchen as well we are working on a playlist of Music Videos, that will help you relax, meditate and sleep. I find it so peaceful having this music playing while…